Healing ..

So, back in the fall of 2018 I hit a very low point, it’s honestly unexplainable why  I was even in such a bad mental state of mind. It was so bad that I got to the point of being slightly suicidal and it was the first time I truly didn’t care about leaving my…

When will it click?

I recently stumbled upon a picture of when this blog use to be my life, when I had an instagram and facebook page and was looking to turn this into a business and a lifestyle. I was so sure I would take this blog to the next level and then I stopped, like everything I’ve…

Staying Afloat

I will never understand how one moment you can be fine, okay with life, not bothered or anything and then BOOM you get hit with this wave of sadness. And it isn’t just sadness but the thoughts that come with it, and it scares me what these thoughts will say to you. Recently, i was…

Take your own advice

I am queen of giving advice, I love to help people out and set them up for better. One because I don’t like to see people hurt and two, because I love helping people. That is my passion and my main goal in life BUT as much great advice I give, I don’t know how…

Accept it for what it is or isn’t

I think my biggest struggle is accepting things for what they are, whether it is good or bad. I just can’t seem to look at things and say this it, this is what it is, instead I have to dig deep and find the deeper message behind it. And sometimes there is no deeper message,…

Old School Vibes

I always hear people saying they were born in the wrong generation and more commonly wishing they grew up in the 90s. It seems younger people don’t want to claim the generation they are apart of. I’m not innocent when it comes to this, I always daydream about being a teenager in the 90s and…

No Rush

I’ve always been obsessed with relationships and falling in love, marriage, having a family, all of those sweet things between two people who love each other, no matter how many jokes I’ve made. Its just something about the idea of having another person love you and appreciate everything about you that melts my entire heart!…

Money Problems

It never fails that this topic just takes over my mind, but how can money not take over your mind when you’re not rich yet?! It seems like a never ending battle of living check to check, running up credit cards, selling everything that I can that I have in my room, and yet I…

No More 9-5 !

More and more I am getting psychically tired of clocking into work, it seems that no matter what job I work at, no matter what position I hold at some point my time expires. For example, now at my current job, I am absolutely happy with how amazing  my coworkers are and how well they…

If I Forgive .. Can I Forget ?

If I forgive .. can i Forget ? A question that I’m pretty sure most people have asked when dealing with a difficult situation to forgive. First, let me start by saying forgiveness is for you, never ever for the other person. Forgiveness frees you and rids you of all grudges and burdens and let’s…